Wednesday, 31 August 2011

... Then comes the baby in the carriage

Marriage. Is it a religious celebration or can it be a secular celebration? 

It's a touchy issue with some people, especially when you bring kids into the picture. That is, having babies before you tie the knot. As a young girl growing up in the 80s, I saw marriage as the next logical step after finding the 'man of my dreams'. Although I'm not a 'girly-girl', I did have visions of me dutifully walking down a church aisle in a pretty white dress.

Of course, life doesn't always turn out as you plan it in your 12-year old mind. Perhaps I'm sounding quite cynical here, as I am not disappointed that I didn't 'do it the right way' and get married before popping out a baby. Life throws you unexpected surprises and you need to bee positive and take it in your stride.

As it is Tuesday, here are the things I am absolutely loving at the moment:

That's Life Magazine
I can't get enough of this little gem. I am hooked to this magazine because of the puzzles. Although they are a bit too easy to complete, that's the whole point, or else no one would be winning the prizes. While I've never actually won a prize, I still keep entering the competitions. The 'real-life' stories aren't too bad either.

As I am breastfeeding, I honestly can't get enough of this pure gold. OK, so it's a necessity of life, but I had to add this one as I am constantly thirsty (and probably dehydrated half the time) but I love my water. I know you are not supposed to re-use plastic water bottles, but it's so handy to refill them throughout the day. Love it.

My poor little son has a runny nose! He could barely breathe at night until my partner's sister demanded I borrow her Taav Vaporaire and leave it on all night. Result? First time since bub was born that I have had six hours of non-broken sleep. Enough said!

Isa Brown Hens
We recently bought two hens so that we could have our own 'free-range' eggs. They are two beautiful Isa Browns called Rosie (aka Whole Lotta Rosie) and Martha (my sister named her in homage to Martha Stewart). We were told they would start laying eggs in 3-4 weeks time, and would you believe it, today they started laying! One tiny little egg. I'm egg-static.

Caramel Crowns
These are my downfall. I ate four of them today with my cuppa tea. When I looked on the back of the packet at the recommended serving portion, it said one biscuit. Should I feel bad?

Now I am feeling very happy! I am a bit of a list-Nazi, but I like to be organised. 

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

First comes the love...

It's almost midnight and I am waiting with trepidation for my son to wake up and start demanding his milk. He is already three months old, edging closer to four months, but we still don't have a routine. I know I should have slept while he was sleeping, but I was too busy searching eBay for some lights. All we have at the moment are bare light globes and it feels too... stark.

It's funny how I'm always "too busy" to get things done around the house. Too busy to clean the bathroom. Too busy to vacuum the floors. Too busy to have a shower!

I found an interesting website I just stumbled upon it as I was searching for some inspiration for the book I am (trying) to write. A very interesting website. Am I repeating myself? Must be baby brain.

Father's Day is coming up this weekend and today I bought a really cute present for my partner. I will post up a photo after I give him the present.

Alas, the baby beckons. Back to the breastfeeding.